GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. From open source to business, you can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside 50 million developers.
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Customize your process with GitHub apps and an intuitive API. Integrate the tools you already use or discover new favorites to create a happier, more efficient way of working.
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GitHub is home to the world’s largest community of developers and their projects...
Russell Keith-Magee created BeeWare to fill a gap in his own process. Today, BeeWare is the go-to project for supporting Python on every platform.
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In 2013, Evan You founded Vue, a Javascript framework funded by the community on Patreon. In 2016, Vue reached 2,000,000 downloads.
Jess Frazelle works on Kubernetes full-time. Previously she maintained Docker, a software containerization platform used by thousands of teams.
...whether you’re making your first commit or sending a Rover to Mars, there’s room for you here, too.
GitHub’s users create and maintain influential technologies alongside the world’s largest open source community.
Developers use GitHub for personal projects, from experimenting with new programming languages to hosting their life’s work.
Businesses of all sizes use GitHub to support their development process and to securely build software.